Advanced Aerobatics 'Down Under' Getting into a Pitts - by David J Pilkington

Sale price$32.00


Moving on from the Super Decathlon in the book, Aerobatics Down Under, to performing more complex figures and having more fun in a Pitts Special.

Many aerobatic pilots have taken that route over many years although monoplanes have interloped in later years. Whichever model Pitts is flown, that well known Pitts grin is evidence of having made the right choice.

The book gives much useful guidance on getting your Pitts checkout and progressing into advanced competition aerobatics. It has been described as “a MUST READ, particularly for one contemplating flying a Pitts in one’s future. It is informative, easy to read, and contains a wealth of knowledge not only about the airplane but also how to fly it.”

Looking for a gift for that friend who aspires to fly Aerobatics? This is the perfect gift, one that he or she will treasure for a lifetime.

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