Featuring 1800 Q & A and 190+ diagrams over 240 pages, this book covers light aircraft to modern airliners, targets PPL, CPL and ATPL, and instructors in a Q & A format, with simple explanations to complex questions, allowing purchasers to quickly target their CASA exam KDR items without fuss.
- best bang-for-buck study focus on the market
- extensive eight page index is provided at the back allowing fast tracing
- best used in association with Rob Avery PPL, CPL, ATPL products/exams booklets
- High and low speed Aerodynamics
- Aircraft Performance
- Piston Engine General Knowledge
- Basic Gas Turbine General Knowledge
- Light and Heavy Aircraft Systems
- Avionics and Instruments
- Meteorology
- Navigation (Radio & Nav Aids)
- Navigation (General)
- Human Factors (including TEM)